
Reg.- Revision of Rate of Interest on Term Deposits w.e.f. 01.12.2022

All the Branch Managers and other concerned officials at Head Office of the bank are hereby informed that Board of Directors in their meeting dated 24.11.2022 has revised the rate of interest on various deposits including recurring deposit w.e.f. 01.12.2022:-

The rate of interest on various term deposits (including Recurring Deposit) are as under:-

S.No. Period Rate of Interest (w.e.f. 01.12.2022)
1. 91 days to below 180 days 4.50
2. 180 days to below 1 Years 4.75
3. 1 Years to below 2 Years 6.00
4. 2 Years to below 3 Years 6.50
5. 3 Years to 5 Years 6.00
6. 5 Years to 7 Years 5.00

Other Conditions :
Senior citizens will be paid the additional interest @ 0.50% over and above the prevailing interest rate.
0.25 % Charitable institution having i.t registration under i.t act up to aggregate amount of less than Rs 1crore.